Playing Lottery Online!
Playing Lottery Online!
Playing Lottery games online is becoming popular now a days.What are your views about this please share.
Re: Playing Lottery Online!
Smells like spam in here 

Re: Playing Lottery Online!
Many lottery winners never would believe bankruptcy is in their immediately futures as they’re waving their oversized check through the air for all to see. But about 70% of people who win a lottery end up broke shortly thereafter, according to the National Endowment for Financial Education.
Even if you manage to keep yourself from harm, there’s no guarantee for your neighbors. A 2016 study found those living next to lottery winners are significantly more likely to declare bankruptcy due to a ripple effect. A winner’s lifestyle upgrades might tempt neighbors into spending in the same frivolous manner, regardless of their means to do so.
Even if you manage to keep yourself from harm, there’s no guarantee for your neighbors. A 2016 study found those living next to lottery winners are significantly more likely to declare bankruptcy due to a ripple effect. A winner’s lifestyle upgrades might tempt neighbors into spending in the same frivolous manner, regardless of their means to do so.
Re: Playing Lottery Online!
not best gambling game if you want to earn money