Questions, suggestion and tips regarding the use of the ProlineParlayMaker program
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by ProlinePlayer » Fri Oct 18, 2013 1:37 pm
Kaboshed wrote:Still getting the error, proline list is populated with -10 min edge, parlay list with min 5.
"Collection index must be in the range 1 to the size of the collection"
new version fixes this
thanks again
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by kappa » Sat Oct 19, 2013 5:38 pm
After updating to versions and now, when saving a .set file, the generated list of parlays is not being saved. When the file is re-opened, the list of parlays is empty.
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by ProlinePlayer » Sun Oct 20, 2013 9:54 am
kappa wrote:After updating to versions and now, when saving a .set file, the generated list of parlays is not being saved. When the file is re-opened, the list of parlays is empty.
Should be fixed over the next couple of days
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by ProlinePlayer » Mon Oct 21, 2013 6:51 am
ProlinePlayer wrote:kappa wrote:After updating to versions and now, when saving a .set file, the generated list of parlays is not being saved. When the file is re-opened, the list of parlays is empty.
Should be fixed over the next couple of days
Should be working correctly as of Version
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by ProlinePlayer » Sat Oct 26, 2013 5:41 am
Version adds one new feature for the boxing options.
On the box options menu you'll find a new option called 'Optimize Boxing'
Everything works the same as before but with one additional step. If everything else calls for a box to be added then the program will cycle through all the possible outcomes twice - once with a boxed game and once without. Then, only if this step verifies that boxing a game will produce a higher average payout is the boxed game added.
Although in the vast majority of cases adding a boxed game is either beneficial or has no effect, in a few cases boxing in a game will actually lower the parlay's payout and edge.
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by BTS » Fri Nov 01, 2013 6:44 am
Why was the betsize column moved all the way left from where it has always been?
The different column settings for each tab make it that much more annoying and time consuming to reset one's preferences each time they disappear with a new update.
Not a fan of these changes. Any way to go back to previous versions?
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by ProlinePlayer » Fri Nov 01, 2013 7:48 am
BTS wrote:Why was the betsize column moved all the way left from where it has always been?
The different column settings for each tab make it that much more annoying and time consuming to reset one's preferences each time they disappear with a new update.
Not a fan of these changes. Any way to go back to previous versions?
If it matters I can move the wager amount back to were it was easily enough. It seemed more logical to me to move it to after the parlay but I don't really mind either way.
As for the different settings for the different tabs this seems like an improvement to me. I do prefer to have different columns depending on the lottery type. For example I want the 'Box' and 'PayAvg' column displayed on Pointspread tabs but don't need these for proline tabs.
As for resetting these after updates, they are now saved directly to a file in the 'ProlinePlayer' folder as opposed to being saved by the program somewhere (not even sure where) and should be more stable through updates.
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by BTS » Fri Nov 01, 2013 8:01 am
Thanks for the explanation on different settings for each tab, makes perfect sense. Just got annoyed this morning when the program crashed and I had to reopen 9 tabs and scramble to update settings on each individually.
Well, I'm just one user but yeah, wish columns would just stay put. Some of us may have adapted record keeping to fit your lists as they were, same with runners, etc. There are knock on effects to making changes "just because". There's something to be said for stability.
Appreciate all the changes on how PS parlays are calculated.

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by ProlinePlayer » Fri Nov 01, 2013 8:15 am
BTS wrote:Thanks for the explanation on different settings for each tab, makes perfect sense. Just got annoyed this morning when the program crashed and I had to reopen 9 tabs and scramble to update settings on each individually.
Well, I'm just one user but yeah, wish columns would just stay put. Some of us may have adapted record keeping to fit your lists as they were, same with runners, etc. There are knock on effects to making changes "just because". There's something to be said for stability.
Appreciate all the changes on how PS parlays are calculated.

will move wagers back to the right on next update

(probability in a few days)
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by BTS » Fri Nov 22, 2013 12:46 pm
Moved the wager size back to the right side of the panel.
Thanks for changing it back in the list display. Unfortunately it is still in the previous format when you copy/paste/print from the list.
It seems the program no longer retains "parlay size by plays" preferences for each tab individually. Instead all tabs for a game and sport(say NHL PS) default to whatever you last set any tabs in that category to. I often keep several tabs for the same game and sport open to compare say 4, 5 and 7 teamers. When the program reloads they all default to the last one that was adjusted.