Over the years I've compiled a large database of scores for the different sports available on proline. For many of the bet options the predicted probabilities are derived by checking this database for similiar situations.
A selection of these score databases is provided here for your use. Whether you play the edges or prefer to do your own handicapping these should help! The scores include not only game stats but the vegas lines for each game, as well as the proline odds when available.
The current year is available for everyone, but prior years are only available to Premium members.
I've made the various league files available as zip files for downloading. (sorry Premium members only) To access these: Score file downloads - click here
Good luck!
©2021 prolineplayer.com
The score files are provided to aid players in their own handicapping efforts.
Please feel free to use them in any way that helps, but I ask that you do not redistribute them in any form.
If you find any errors in the scores or lines please send me the corrections at support.
Thanks and enjoy.