For anyone who plays the proline sports lottery games offered by the various
provincial lottery corporations in Canada, this site is for you! The odds and prediction pages are updated throughout
the day and provide the win probabilities for all proline bet options.
Strategies, stats, techniques and picks for playing and winning at Canada's Sports Lottery Games!
If this is your first visit to the site I suggest you start by reading the Welcome page and then
the Frequently Asked Questions page. I hope you find the information provided useful and stop in often.

July 13, 2013. The score files for NFL games available in the Scores section have been updated. Years available are 2000 to 2013 and the data for each game includes the offshore line and proline odds. Also each game includes extensive game/team stats. These data files should be extremely helpful in analyzing NFL props.

April 29, 2013. Starting as of today, I've added a user forum to the site. With the closing of the BigTip forum, the proline community is lacking a forum on which users can discuss and analyze edge plays and other possible winning strategies. The link to the foum is included in the top banner.

June 1, 2012. The daily odds pages will be permanently available as part of the PLP Odds Archive section. These can be accessed through the odds pages for each province by clicking the Odds Archive button located just under the main banner. A calendar will popup allowing you to select the date you wish to view. For members it is possible to access past pages back as far as mid May 2005!

December 4, 2009. The scores section is being expanded and the archive of past results for different sports will be much larger. This will however be a perk for members with only the last few years being available for non-members.

November 26, 2009. After six years of being provided as a totally free service, some features of this site will soon be available only through a yearly subscription. Changes have been implemented gradually so that the various new features could be throughly tested and debugged. (Many thanks to those who assisted in this) The main (free) pages have had several limitations set. For example, lines/predictions are not provided until 8:00 am in the morning. However aside from a few such limits these pages will continue to be available as before. Details on obtaining a membership will be provided here soon.

June 25, 2008. I have finally fixed the BBH stats section located at Bbh Hitters. This shows the hitter stats for this year and last for every active player that has been used by any of the provincial lottery corporations. The stats should be updated every morning by 9:00 am.

February 12, 2008. I would urge all proline players to exercise caution in keeping all proline winning tickets at under a $1000 payout. This ($999.90) is the maximum amount that can be cashed at some stores. I have over the last few months received several disturbing reports from players having difficulties cashing winning tickets for over the store payout limits. In both the ALC and the OLG lotteries. Investigations into how they won have resulted in wait periods exceeding six months! An article in today's Toronto Sun also has some horror stories regarding wins of over $10,000. Toronto Sun article

January 15, 2008. The link to the Proline Tools page has been fixed. To those not familiar with the program - it's a small utility program that allows the user to quickly and easily perform a variety of calculations that are often required not only for successful Proline betting but for sports betting in general.

December 15, 2006. Some interruptions in updates over the last week or two have occurred because of updates to the programs which are used to maintain the site. Users from both the ALC and the Lotto-Quebec areas should now find that display of the lines is more reliable. Also the setting of the tie probabilities for hockey games has been significantly improved. I now feel that the percentages in this area are as accurate as they can be given the data available,
In the past errors were sometimes made with regard to game start times. These were not really my errors as such, more a case of repeating errors made on the lotto web sites. In the future the update programs will attempt to verify all starting times and display the corrected time as neccessary.

April 26, 2006. Advertising for some of the major online sports books has been added to the site. It seems that at some point all proline players start looking at the possibility of opening an offshore account. Although I have of course negotiated a referral fee for the ads, I want to emphasize that only sports books I would personally recommend to a friend will be advertised on the site. If you see their ad here then that means that I have an account there myself, have had for years, am satisfied with their service and believe that my money is secure! I consider advertising of any sort to be intrusive by its very nature but will strive to maintain a balance that keeps the annoyance factor to a minimum.
For anyone new to offshore betting I've written an article which describes some of the benefits and pitfalls of wagering online.
Also included is a guide on how to proceed to opening an account and a brief description of the offshore books I recommend.
A how to guide to offshore betting

March 12, 2006. Nascar odds and predictions will be available as of 10:00 am Sunday mornings. As in the past our predictions will be based on corresponding matchups at the major offshore books whenever possible. In cases where no such matchup can be found then the predicted probabilities will be based on the driver's 'odds to win' the race.

Poindexter and Dilbert have received national attention through their ability to beat the proline lottery corporations across Canada. Recently I had the pleasure of meeting with Poindexter who agreed to do an interview for this site. I hope you enjoy the transcript of our discussion at the following link : Interview with Poindexter

This site is not associated with nor endorsed by any lottery corporation. Please be sure to double check all odds and results with either your lottery's web site or your retailer's online terminal! We are not perfect and mistakes do happen.
Our predictions are provided as suggested betting opportunities only. It should go without saying that no guarantees are made for their accuracy, nor can we be held in any way responsible for any losses which may be incurred.
Gambling can be both fun and profitable. But for many, it can also ruin your life. Be careful!